Book Expo America - wow!

Click photo to enlarge for a better idea of the crowd. Book Expo America (BEA) is over. It was quite the whirlwind tour and experience. I got to sign and offer copies of my book to strangers from all over the place. The majority of the educators, librarians, booksellers, and fellow authors were from the USA. It was a grand opportunity to connect with potential readers and I very much enjoyed and appreciated the event. Thank you to NBN and Madeline Smoot (CBAY Press) for letting me be a part of it all.

Here I am, signing The Kulak's Daughter.

And here's Donna St. Cyr signing her mid grade humorous read, The Secrets of the Cheese Syndicate.

What a city! I was quite prepared to dislike the place. I expected it to be crowded, noisy, and chaotic. And it was. What I didn't expect was to feel comfortable in the crowd, to enjoy the noise, and to indulge in the pure mayhem of it all. How does it all work - this mass of humanity? Of course, Times Square is a touristy spot and there's much more to NYC than what I saw in my three days there. But now I understand why it attracts so many visitors.

One thing BEA and NYC does enforce is size. I am but a mere ant on this planet and there are millions of books, billions of people out there. We're all doing our own thing, and the world keeps moving. I'm just grateful I was a pedestrian and not a driver while there.


Loretta said...

Oh, didn't you just LOVE Times Square? I was in NYC in 2008. I just loved the place! Best of all I had a chance to visit Ellis Island. I'd love to go back one day.

Gabriele Goldstone said...

Yes, Loretta. Times Square was amazing. I'm sure Ellis Island would have been a great visit - must go back, too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. And, how _great_ to be there signing your book!

Barrie said...

I was on a panel in OKC with Cynthia last fall. She is so much fun! I've never been to NYC, so really enjoyed this post!

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