Keep in Touch!

With the blogger Feedburner subscription service ending in July, I've switched to a new subscription service via Mailchimp. (Top right corner of this blog).  I'm hoping that you'll continue to read my blogposts here and follow my novel adventures. 

I won't flood your inbox with daily posts—once a week has been my goal—and even that is not a promise. My posts focus on research behind my novels with the occasional reflection or update on the writing life. 

I'm not too active on social media but try to make an effort. I'm a bit more of an earthworm than a social butterfly. I'd rather meet you for coffee or for a walk than in this cyber world. But the internet has opened many doors and I will not shun this amazing technology.

Only by being social, do I discover new worlds, interesting books, along with the fascinating people who write them. Writers and readers . . . we can't have one without the other.

Instagram:  ggoldstone1

Facebook: gabriele goldstone

Twitter:  gabrielegoldstone@gabegoldstone

I'm also on Goodreads

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