Someone I Admire

It's hard to pick just one person whom I admire. I could pick my mom (a true survivor) or Don Miller who's done so much for the poor in Ukraine, or some of my co-workers who choose not to get petty about ... stuff.  I could even mention my oldest daughter whose organizational skills I truly admire, or my other daughter's soccer coach who is so passionate about his chosen sport. 

But because this is a writing blog and I'm about to become a novelist (I hope I didn't just dream the whole thing) I'd like to post about somebody in the writing field who has been full of kindness and generosity and whom I greatly admire because she's also so successful. This person has published about a dozen books, has received among other awards, the Order of the Princess Olha from the President Yuschenko of Ukraine this past spring, and yet she still has time to hobnob with us ordinary folks who are just plodding along. This person makes me not only want to be a writer, she makes me want to be the kind of writer who champions causes and mentors along the way. 

 I attended one of her book launches last year and when I got her to sign my copy of Prisoners in the Promised Land, I mumbled that I was getting a book published on a related topic, and she showed sincere interest. She even phoned me long distance from Toronto, a week later and continued sharing with me her abundant knowledge. I was invited to join a listserve that she formed called 'storyfriends' and I'm continuing to learn so much by hanging out with these fellow writers.

So I'd like to share Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch with other bloggers. She's a real treasure. I feel honored to have met her and look forward to reading all of her books. The latest one is Daughter of War, and in November she's releasing Call Me Aram.

I don't know how she does it - plus she continues to be so approachable. Thanks, Marsha.

And thank you, Barrie, for letting me share. I'm adding you to my list of people to be admired.


Marsha Skrypuch said...

Ah, Gabe --

You make me blush!

debra said...

Thanks for a touching post, Gabe. I'll be following your links later.

Anita Daher said...

Marsha is an amazing woman, and worthy of admiration (yes, you so are, Marsha). She has done and continues to do so much for emerging writers in our country, and our greater children's book community. And then there's that whole talent thing :-) Yay, Marsha!

Ellen Booraem said...

Just when you wonder why you ever got into this writing gig, somebody reaches out. Nice post, Gabe!

Travis Erwin said...

It's nice to hear stories like this about authors who go out of their way to help others.

Elizabeth said...

Dear Gabe!
So good to have discovered your blog.
I'm so thrilled you are having a novel published.
Yes, encouragement really helps.
I would like to e-mail you to ask more.
Best wishes from New York.

Shari Green said...

Great post - thanks!

Barrie said...

Gabe, thank you!

Amy said...

lovley post, Gabe. I'm happy to see where your writing inspirations come from, and I'm looking forward to your book release :)

Larramie said...

Marsha Skrypuch -- who is now blushing ;) -- is obviously one of those talented, generous writers eager to share with others. How wonderful for you, Gabe, and congratulations on next year's debut!

Jason said...

That's a great post. Thanks.

Patti said...

i am sure you didn't dream it....very nice tribute.

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