New launch date

Must mention that my book release date has changed. It's now November 9 - 2009 (At least it's still coming out this year.) So I've changed my launch date from November 18th to December 8th. Still at McNally Robinson Bookstore - Grant Park location. My biggest fear is that nobody will come - so if you're in the area - please visit. Fingers crossed that there'll be no snowstorm and that the book will have actually made it, too.


Barrie said...

Yeah, I got a message from amazon about the delay. BUT I'll still be able to read your book in 2009!!

Deborah Hodge said...

Hi Gabe,

I just read your comment on my blog. Thanks! I had been meaning to email you because it was great to meet you in Lumsden and because I am really enjoying the book you gave me, The Great Call of China. I went to Shanghai last year, so it is especially fun to read all about the places I saw.

I really look forward to reading YOUR new book. :-) Good luck with the launch, and I hope our paths cross again before too long.

All the best, Debbie

Gabriele Goldstone said...

Thanks for the visit. Glad you enjoyed Cynthia Liu's book. Shanghai! That must've have been quite the adventure.

Yes, I'd love to go to more conferences, so maybe we will meet again!

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

thats right around the corner

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