Reading, Walking and Rewriting

I finished Anita Daher's book, Spider's Song, this week. Great book - lots of vivid north Canadian geography, teenage angst, blog writing, plus a surprise twist in the plot. But I knew it'd be a good book because my 15 year old had already given it a thumb's up and she's a busy girl who will only spend her time with good books. (That's what she told me.) I enjoyed the inscription at the beginning (which I reread at the end). I like re-visiting the beginning of a book after I've finished reading.

I'm not getting nearly as much reading done as I'd like. The extreme, tedious stretch of cold weather is causing my eyelids to droop sooner than usual once I hit my warm, cozy bed. Either that or my mug of Sleepytime tea is just way too effective. Or, possibly, my four hour daily walk is getting harder on my aging body. (Am I getting older? No! Just my body, but not me. No!)

Now I must focus on revisions to my WIP (a sequel to The Kulak's Daughter) - tentative title is "East Prussian Princess". It's about a place that no longer exists - East Prussia - and happens in the 1930s when Hitler is ascending in Germany. Yes, it's sort of about my mom. It continues from where the KD ends. She went from Stalin to Hitler. At least she ended up here in Canada - where we'll hopefully never let crazy people have too much power. Politics is important stuff. We must pay attention.

The Class of 2k9 is still accepting applications for YA and MG novelists debuting in 2009. Click here for more info and/or an application.


Anita Daher said...

Yay! So glad you and your daughter liked Spider's Song, Gabe :-)

Tonight, rather than Sleepy Time Tea my girls and I are all sipping a vinegar and honey drink--a recipe my father always made for colds when my sisters and I were young. I don't know how well it works, but it's rather yummy!

Gabriele Goldstone said...

Thanks for visiting. Vinegar and honey, eh? Hope it works!

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