Multicultural Books

Okay, I lied. I'm posting once more about TLA and Dallas. Here's the handout that was put together by our panel leader, Stacy Nyikos (Dragon Wishes). A variety of books about the cultures we discussed, including Asian American, Latino, Afro-American, and German-Russian, are included.

My own, The Kulak's Daughter, is included. And because my story happens in present-day Ukraine, I've also included Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch's picture book Enough and her young adult anthology, Kobzar's Children, as supplementary material.

On another note ... l
ast weekend at my mom's, we were going through a box of old stuff. In between favorite birthday cards and old insurance papers, I found the documents of both my parents' releases from the Soviet gulag. Their silence, over the years, speaks volumes about their suffering. They thought moving to a new country and starting a family could erase the past. It worked ... for awhile.

But memory is a powerful force.


Anonymous said...

"Memory is a powerful force." The paragraph about your parents was powerful. ~Sara~

Barrie said...

Thanks for sharing the handout. Looks like some great reading on there!

I got goosebumps reading about you and your mom going through the box of stuff.

I can't wait to read your book, Gabe!

p.s. I haven't forgotten about the 2k8 post on your TLA panel. Just having a tough time getting extras up on the blog with such a heavy launch month.

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